Ayurvedic Remedies for Instant Headache Relief

It is undoubtedly tough to remain present and joyous when your head feels like it is about to explode. A pounding headache might sometimes be attributed to the binge-watching that kept us up all night, or it could be that third glass of wine or bag of salted potato chips. But there are instances when our headaches are a complete mystery.
Headache encompasses a wide range of head and facial pain. Most of us have headaches that come and go, and we can usually pinpoint the source (certain foods, outdoors in cold or heat, nervousness, etc). Not all headaches are problematic, but recurring headaches or severe headaches require special attention to uncover the core cause.
Causes of Headache
Primary headaches : These headaches are unrelated to any other ailment. A headache is generated when the pain-sensitive parts are overworked, like in a tense circumstance or a high-stress day. Certain foods, temperatures, and situations can also cause primary headaches. Head and neck nerves, blood vessels, and particular muscles are all affected. Primary headaches include tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines.
Secondary headache : These are headaches caused by other factors, such as when a certain condition stimulates the pain-sensitive nerves in the head. Secondary headaches can occur as a result of a variety of reasons. Among them are:
- Blood clotting
- Bleeding in the brain’s surrounding area or within it
- Cold objects cause the brain to freeze.
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- After-effects of alcohol consumption
- Concussion
- Dehydration
- Glaucoma
- Influenza
- Rebound headaches caused by pain medication overdosage
- Anxiety attacks
- Tumour of the brain
Headaches could be the outcome of a significant medical condition. For recurring, severe, or persistent headaches, a medical doctor or Ayurvedic practitioner should be sought, especially if standard pain relievers do not provide relief. Headaches that are more severe than in the past, headaches that are accompanied by fever, sensory abnormalities, and neck stiffness, and debilitating headaches are all indicators of a more serious underlying disease.
Types of Headaches
There are many different types of headaches, and as a result, the causes, severity, healing period, and treatment approaches vary.
Tension headache : This is the most common and prevalent type of headache. There is initially tightness in the shoulder and neck. With this headache, a person may feel minor pain along the corners of the head, as if the head is heavy, or as if a tight band is tied around the head. These headaches can last for hours or days, and they can increase as the day progresses. Excessive work, sleep issues, poor posture, stress, anxiety, and other lifestyle factors can all contribute to tension headaches.
Migraine : This neurological illness causes acute and throbbing pain in the head, usually on one side. The time period can range from a few hours to several days. Along with migraine, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity are common symptoms. Other sensations may be felt prior to the onset of the headache. These symptoms include dizziness, prickling pain, seeing patterns before your eyes, and so on. Women are more likely than men to suffer from migraine headaches. Though it can happen at any age, it is most common in older teens and adults. To manage migraines holistically, diet and lifestyle behaviours are evaluated and improved, and herbal medicines are recommended for symptom relief and prevention.
Cluster headache : Sudden pain on one side of the head, primarily during night. The discomfort is mostly felt in the area around the eyes. They may occur numerous times in a day for a short period of time and then cease to occur for years or months. The causes of this headache should be avoided, and if it worsens or persists, see a practitioner for a holistic approach to mitigating the fundamental cause.
Sinus headache : This type of headache includes facial pain in places such as the eyes and nose.
- Forehead
- Cheeks
- Teeth
The pain worsens when a person leans forward. The intensity of the pain can vary. This form of headache is associated with sinusitis symptoms such as congestion, mucus from the nose, postnasal drip, and a sense of strain inside the brain, which is most typically but not always attributable to an allergic reaction.
The Ayurvedic Perspective on Headaches – Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches
Headaches are not regarded a sickness in Ayurveda, but rather a sign of the vitiation of one or more of the doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, with Vata being the predominant dosha affected.
Certain types of head pain are mentioned in Ayurveda:
- Ardhaavabheda (unilateral pain )
- Anantavaata (classical migraine)
- Suryavatra (morning headache)
Some of the reasons of headaches, according to Ayurveda, are:
- Constipation
- Indigestion
- consuming contaminated food (i.e. GMO foods)
- Consumption of fatty and spicy foods
- Emotions such as stress, despair, and rage
- Excessive consumption of dry and salty foods
- Excessive consumption of pungent foods
- repressing innate desires
Vata Headache
A Vata headache is characterised by throbbing, pulsating pain and the impression of a band being tightened around your head. This headache kind is known to be caused by neck and shoulder tightness, mental and emotional stress, an irregular sleeping schedule, probable toxicity in the gut (such constipation), and unresolved fear or worry.
Pitta Headache
A Pitta headache usually begins in the temples and progresses to the centre of the head. They are notorious for their shooting, burning, piercing pain that is typically exacerbated by bright light, heat, or eating sour or spicy foods. This category is connected with migraines. Pitta headaches are frequently associated with stomach and intestine imbalances such as acid indigestion, hyperacidity, or heartburn.
Kapha Headache
This form of headache is believed to be the most severe in the winter and spring. A Kapha headache usually wakes you up or sends you to bed. It is accompanied by a cough or runny nose, worsens while lying down or bending over, and is characterised by a heavy, dull feeling in the face and head. Kapha headaches are also known as sinus headaches because they are caused by increased pressure in the sinus cavity.
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Headaches – Instant Headache Relief
Ayurveda prescribes herbs, yoga, and lifestyle therapies for headaches. Best ayurvedic medicine for headache are: Brahmi ghritam, Sarapgandha vati , Ksheerbala capsule, Yograj guggulu , Yashtimadhu churna, Triphala churna, Aswagandharishtam, Balarishtam, Anu Thailam, Brahmi Thailam, Chandani Thailam, Rasnadi kashayam, Sudarshan ghana vati
Best ayurvedic treatment for migraine and headaches includes Shirodhara, Nasyam, Shirobhyanga, Shirolepa. Yoga Postures for Headaches – Savasana (Corpse pose), Setu bandhasana (Bridge pose), Paschimottasana (Seated forward bend), Janusirasana (Single head to knee pose), Balasana (Childs Pose)
Ayurvedic Tips for migraine relief and Headaches
- Avoid late nights, sleeping less than 7 hours or more than 8
- Avoid frequent intake of painkillers
- Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
- Avoid consumption of strong tea and coffee
- Avoid frequent fasting (or going long hours between meals)
- Have a morning and evening walk
- Avoid long periods of direct sunlight
- Avoid outdoors in windy conditions
- Avoid excessive use of digital screens
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