Weight Loss

Treatment and Prevention of Obesity

Obesity can be caused due to genetic factors, a sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, and wrong food choices, emotional eating leading to overeating, or medication like antipsychotics, antidepressants, and steroids. Before commencing treatment for obesity, it is important to correctly diagnose the causes for obesity in the person and to tailor the treatment accordingly. Home remedies for weight loss should be supplemented with advice from a medical expert in order to derive maximum benefit and to prevent related diseases. 

Treatment for Obesity in Ayurveda

The holistic system of Ayurveda practiced in Kerala had identified obesity as a health issue many centuries ago and has also studied the implications of obesity. Obesity treatment in Ayurveda has a multidimensional approach with a focus on diet, lifestyle modifications, yoga, and moderate exercise, and Ayurvedic weight loss medicines and therapies. 

Ayurvedic Plants / Herbs to Control Obesity

Herbs and herbal preparations are an important part of Ayurvedic treatment. There are numerous Ayurvedic herbs that are used in the creation of Ayurvedic fat loss medicines, anti-obesity drugs, Ayurvedic massages, and therapies. Triphala is a herbal preparation that combines the goodness of Aamalaki (Indian gooseberry), Vbibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Hharitaki (Terminalia chebula) which is known for its weight management properties. Black Cumin or Kalonji (Nigella sativa) is used for weight loss treatment for both men and women. Herbs that are commonly used in home remedies are lemon, honey, Aloe vera, pepper, and ginger. 

Ayurvedic Products For Obesity at Sitaram Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic Weight Loss treatment at Sitaram Ayurveda works towards correcting the imbalances in a person’s metabolism (digestive Aagni) and hormones. It involves a planned diet, meditation, and yoga, medications to balance the metabolism (Aagni) and hormones, consumption of herbal preparations, Ayurvedic massages like Udwarthanam (dry massages) which are done to speed up the mobilization of subcutaneous fat, and other external treatments or Ppanchakarma cleaning (as required based on consultation with the ayurvedic physician). 

Sitaram Ayurveda also has some over-the-counter (OTC) medication that helps in the weight loss process. Siva Gulika is an ayurvedic tablet that rectifies the metabolic environment in the body and protects against the ravages of disease and age. Varadi Kashayam is a herbal decoction of Triphala with Loha choorna and digestive drugs that aid in weight management. At Sitaram Ayurveda, it is available as a decoction as well as in the form of Ayurvedic weight loss capsules. Ayaskriti and tablets like Chandraprabha tablets, and Glycohar Plus tablets are also recommended for weight management.Â